Pragmatic Classroom Courses Overview
PEAF Foundation (2 days) sets out an Operating Model for the whole of the transformation domain (from Strategy to Deployment) and the common patterns of methods and artefacts that allow an organization to tactically improve parts of it while preserving the effectiveness and efficiency of the whole. It sets the context for Enterprise Architecture in terms of where it fits in, and where it doesn’t.
PEAF Certified (2 days) concentrates on the specifics of the EA domain and sets out the fundamental pieces to be put in place to be successful.
Classroom Format
All courses are run by a Pragmatic Certified Trainer. Each day consists of 6 hours of presentation and discussions, finishing with an Exam lasting 1 hour.
9-12 Presentations/discussions
12-1 Lunch
1-4 Presentations/discussions
4-5 Certification Exam
Certification Exams
Exams are marked dynamically in real-time, and so if you get an answer wrong or partially wrong, you will receive feedback for example “Correct but you need to give a little more detail”.
The pass mark for all exams is 100%. The reason for this is that we want to make sure that people understand 100% of the things an exam is asking (which is only a small proportion of the entire content).
Most people complete each exam in 45-60 minutes, and although there is no hard time limit as such, we will close each exam after 2 hours.
If you fail an exam, you are welcome to re-sit the exam (maximum of 3 times) at a later time for no additional cost.
After passing each exam successfully, you will attain that level of certification. To move on to the next Module, you must pass all preceding exams.
If you attain status, you will gain access to:
Toolkit - A collection of Word documents and PowerPoint presentations based on the associated book, used to Transform the EA domain of your Enterprise.
Graphics - A collection of Visio documents containing all associated diagrams.
Supplementary - A collection of support documents used to Transform the EA domain of your Enterprise.
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